Spiral 1998
Spiral 1998

spiral 1998
  1. Spiral 1998 movie#
  2. Spiral 1998 professional#
  3. Spiral 1998 series#

Malik calls Liam and tells him he believes Kayla will be the next sacrifice.

Spiral 1998 movie#

Malik watches a home movie on the ghost girl’s videotape, which shows the community’s ritual taking place every ten years. Malik also discovers someone switched his psychiatric medication. More visions cause Malik to continue questioning his sanity. Malik takes Marshal’s spiral-imprinted book and checks into a motel room.

Spiral 1998 professional#

Marshal cryptically references an incriminating photo he saw, tells Malik he will protect his secret, but recommends Malik seek professional counseling. Malik tries convincing Aaron that the affair never happened and the pictures aren’t real. When Malik returns home, Aaron shows him several Polaroids he discovered of Malik having BDSM sex with Matthew. A frightening apparition of a ghostly girl knocks over several videotapes. Malik searches an abandoned house where the Reinhart murder-suicide took place ten years earlier in 1984. Malik calls Liam to discuss the possible conspiracy, but Liam tells Malik he needs to stop being his sounding board.

spiral 1998

Aaron tells Malik that Marshal and Tiffany already explained everything and Malik needs to stop being paranoid that everyone is prejudiced. Reinhart’s note, the strange ritual Malik witnessed, and the anniversary date deaths. Research reveals each decade’s date corresponds to the death, murder, or suicide of a homosexual person, including Reinhart’s female family members.

Spiral 1998 series#

Water reveals a series of dates in ten-year increments hidden on the paper Mr. Malik inspects the crawlspace above Kayla’s bedroom and finds mutilated animals he suspects were placed there on purpose, which Aaron refutes.

spiral 1998

Kayla wakes up covered in blood dripping from the ceiling. Malik later notices a mark growing on his chest. Aaron walks in and momentarily misconstrues their embrace as romantic. Matthew puts his arms around Malik for comfort as he has a tearful breakdown about his grandfather. Malik becomes confused when Matthew suddenly switches seats seemingly without moving. Reinhart’s grandson Matthew visits Malik to ask about his odd encounter with Reinhart. He also notices an ancestral portrait of a man with a striking resemblance to Marshal. Malik finds a leather-bound book with a spiral embossed on its spine. While looking for the bathroom, Malik sneaks into Marshal’s study. Malik later sneaks into the house to investigate and finds a photograph of Reinhart with female family members.Īaron and Malik have dinner at Marshal and Tiffany’s house. Malik spies Marshal and other neighbors conducting a strange ritual inside Reinhart’s house. Reinhart instructs Malik to not tell anyone and then pretends to have dementia before returning home. Upon being confronted, Reinhart slips Malik a blank piece of paper. Malik instead calls Liam to detail the instances of prejudice and also reveals he is installing a security system without Aaron’s knowledge.

spiral 1998

Malik paints over the slur without telling Aaron why. Malik also notices someone stole a photograph of he and Aaron in drag. Malik comes home from a jog to find the word “faggot” spray-painted on a wall inside the house. Kayla begins developing a romantic relationship with Marshal and Tiffany’s teenage son Tyler. Still haunted by the memory of his ex-boyfriend Liam being beaten when they were teenagers, Malik suspects new neighbors Marshal and Tiffany may be part of an intolerant community, even though they outwardly appear welcoming. Malik, his partner Aaron, and Aaron’s teenage daughter Kayla move from Chicago to quiet suburb Rusty Creek.

Spiral 1998